This Moment is a Beautiful Moment

“The past is gone; the future is not coming yet. This moment is a beautiful moment.”

-Quote nabbed from Nathan Thomas Hall’s Buddhist Teacher

     Living in the moment is something I’ve struggled with lately.  My thoughts are all on future plans or past experiences and being content with or even realizing where I am does not occur to me.  Oregon has been a place of huge ups and downs, I’ve never been so far from home for such a long time, and I’ve never had a job that was life consuming.  I joined the military with the main goal of financial stability and gaining work experience, but I’ve had to give up some freedoms (like traveling to Mexico and calling in sick) that have made me question my decision.  So while I reflect I am going to make a list of 5 things I have learned while living on the Wet Coast.

  1. Surfing/Snowboarding.  I had never surfed a day in my life before coming out here, and it’s something I am still a complete novice at, however it is one hobby that has kept me going on the dreariest days.  Even though I mainly get pummeled and salt water drains from my nose for hours after it’s the closest I can get to having beautiful moments.  Snowboarding is the one thing that makes me want to stay in Oregon for another winter, and makes me sad to know I’m not going to be drinking beers/bloody mary’s at the lodge this year.
  2. Waking up early.  I would not say I’ve learned to enjoy this, but I am physically capable of arriving on time at 0430 for bar patrol.  I feel so angry and tired walking down the “green mile” to the boat house, but once we’re underway and I see the sunrise and the pelicans swooping down for the morning meal I realize that Tillamook Bay is a pretty special place and it’s unlikely I’ll have many more chances to wake up on the Pacific Ocean.
  3. Marksmanship.  Carrying/shooting guns is something I never expected to like, but now I totally get why people do it.  It’s weird how carrying a gun makes you feel strangely powerful and like a total badass.  It’s also great because now my Dad and I have a hobby and we can talk some of the same language.
  4. How to Knit.  Sitting in the tower for hours with no one to talk to will make you either go crazy or read a lot of books, I ended up reading a knitting book, and now I have some really awesome beanies.  It also lets me channel some creative energy and I can craft nerdy christmas presents for all my friends.
  5. Girls are awesome (and way less drama prone than one might think).  I’ve had the privilege to work with some amazing females at this station and it makes me sad that I can’t take them with me.  Since we now have two female boat drivers I’ve been able to get underway with a mostly female boat crew and this is something that makes me so happy.  I know that even 10 years ago this would never have happened.  We make an amazing crew as females, and what some might say we lack in strength we make up for in endurance and team work.

Now of course I’ll share some pictures from my past weeks adventures!


Delicious red huckleberry.  Tasty treat while riding bikes near Netarts Bay.


Stump with interesting growths found while looking for Morels in the forest.


Dead tree lurking above Netarts Bay.


Duke, one of the sexiest dogs I’ve ever met.


This book even demonstrated what type of cat you should get according to your personal style.


Square near the mall in downtown Seattle.  Lots of fashionable people and homeless people.


Seattle Public Library.  My hotel was right across the street from this building and it fascinated me from every angle.


Two hip creatures inside the library.


Tangerine colored baby shrooms on the forest floor.

How to Be Strong

ImageGo climb a mountain.  When your legs feel like gummy bears and lifting a toe over another rock is a monumental task making it to the summit is the best feeling in the world.  The sweat soaking your back suddenly feels like diving under a waterfall.  So after a lovely nature day, I feel it only appropriate to leave you with some John Muir quotes, since he really knows the right words for these sort of feelings….

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”  Mormon Lillies, John Muir



“When night was drawing near, I ran down the flowery slopes exhilarated, thanking God for the gift of this great day. The setting sun fired the clouds. All the world seemed new-born. Every thing, even the commonest, was seen in new light and was looked at with new interest as if never seen before.”  Travels in Alaska, John Muir




“Nature is always lovely, invincible, glad, whatever is done and suffered by her creatures. All scars she heals, whether in rocks or water or sky or hearts.”  John of the Mountains, pg. 337




The Salt Life

“It’s funny, leaving a place, ain’t it?” he said.  “You never do know when you’ll get back.”  Lippy, Lonesome Dove


“Well, I was a little embarrassed at first.  Obviously people are gonna think I’m a showboat and a little bit of a prick.  But then I realized… that’s me.  I said those things.  I did those things.  I can live with that.”  Steve Zissou, The Life AquaticImageImageImage

“Supposedly Cousteau and his cronies invented the idea of putting walkie-talkies into the helmet.  But we made ours with a special rabbit ear on the top so we could pipe in some music.”  Steve Zissou, The Life Aquatic

Time marches on…

Cruising around in my parents old thunderbird when I was a little tyke I would jam out to this song. The lyrics didn’t make much sense then, especially the part about dope, but I did understand the major theme that everything always changes. Driving home tonight after my ipod had died and I had to resort to the Oregon Coast radio stations this song started playing. How appropriate. Oregon is the first place I’ve lived after college where I’ve stayed longer than six months, and finally had the chance to make a few friends and put some roots down.

Since I’ve been here, all I’ve wanted is to get orders to Marine Science Tech school, and now that they are here, I’m terrified! Making plans to travel across the country, stow my treasures, and start all over in a new place seems especially daunting. I know I’m going to be happy in a new place, however I have crazy love and respect for all the people I’ll be leaving behind and can only hope our paths will cross again one day.


Couchsurfing with Matt

Couchsurfing with Matt

I hosted a great couchsurfer the other night from New York, who was cycling down hwy 101 all the way to San Fran. My girls and I picked him up off the road and shoved all his bike stuff in the trunk. Then we whisked him away to the delightful town of Rockaway where we shocked him with our foul language and rogue ways. Then we watched Netflix and ate popcorn and told stories. Everyone should give couchsurfing a chance if you think it’s something you might be interested in, it’s a great way to meet people from all over the world without leaving your house! Bon voyage, Matt

we are friends …

we are friends for life. when we’re together the years fall away. isn’t that what matters? to have someone who can remember with you? to have someone who remembers how far you’ve come? -judy blume-

This was on the card I sent to my Grandmother for her birthday.  She is just an amazing lady and a best friend.  One year I told her I wanted a surprise for my birthday and she gave me super sexy lingerie.  How cool is that?  Missing her today and sending a lots of happy thoughts back home.